Markin’ Out Episode # 51

On the eve of the Royal Rumble We give our most detailed predictions to date plus all the other happening going on in the world of professional wrestling… and just being marks for it!1-28-12

5 thoughts on “Markin’ Out Episode # 51

  1. Great episode other than some slight sound issues. My final 4 for Royal Rumble are Randy Orton, Sheamus, Wade Barrett, Chris Jericho and going with Jericho for the win. I agree with Brandon on the cage debate. Dave got a little dirty in the ending and I loved it.

  2. I swear the timing you guys got between podcast is impossible do it after raw and i can bet you guys will get more listens faster

    • It wouldn’t be realistic. Our schedules wouldn’t allow it. Plus, I think we’re the best way to start a weekend!

      • YES! didn’t thought about that!!! Brooke vs Melina with real drama coz it uuslaly works well (angle/jarrett, hardy/edge, etc).don’t worrie..mickie looked good (she’s not as good as she was last year) but gail is gonna come victorious on FR before 2012 Mickie is not get near that title you’ll, wondering why didn’t fire angelina so far..was it because they invested so much time and money on her (those 5 titles)? or (worse) they’ve got something planned?VA:F [1.9.8_1114]please wait…VA:F [1.9.8_1114](from 0 votes)

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